
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

DAY 3- 5 - AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge.

Soo I had a great long weekend with my husband and the kids, which is why I didn't get the chance to post my progress and daily log of my cleansing. 

take note that on Day 5 I was in the kitchen grilling burgers on my griddle, baked a cheesecake and made 2 lbs of cheesey hash brown casserole.  It was so tough because I have to refrain from tasting my food several times while making it. 

DAY 3 (August 31, 2013)

6:30 AM - Woke up and peed.  I did not take measurements this time, I will wait for the 11th and 24th day.

6:30 AM - Spark + 3 Catalyst (total of 2 cups of water)

7:00 AM - Breakfast - Replacement Shake

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Fat Burning Cardio with Shaun T (HipHop Abs)

10:00 AM - downed 2 cups of water

10:30 AM - snacked  on  1/4 cup of almonds + 1 cup of water

12:30 AM - 2 Omegaplex + Lunch - salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, flax seed, 1/2 a cup of scrambbled eggs in lemon vinaigrette) + 2 cups of water

2:30 PM - Spark + 3 Catalyst

4:00 PM - 2 cups of water + 2 slices of cantaloupe

6:30 PM - 2 Omegaplex + salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, flax seed, 1/2 hard boiled egg + 1/3 cup of turkey breast in lemon vinaigrette ) + 2 cups of water

9:00 PM - snacked on about 6 pieces  of cashews  = 1 cup of water

10:30 PM - Herbal Cleanse tablet + 1 cup of water

DAY 4 (Sept 1, 2013)

 8:00 AM - Woke up and peed.  I did not take measurements this time, I will wait for the 11th and 24th day.

8:30 AM - Spark + 3 Catalyst (total of 2 cups of water)

9:00 AM - Breakfast - 1 slice of cantaloupe + 1/2 hard boiled egg +2 cups of water

10:30 AM - 2 cups of water

12:30 PM - 2 Omegaplex + Lunch -salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, flax seed, 1/2 hard boiled egg + 1/3 cup of turkey breast in lemon vinaigrette ) + 2 cups of water

3:30 PM - Spark + 3 Catalyst

5:00 PM - 2 cups of water

7:00 PM - 2 Omegaplex + Dinner:  Tofu fried in olive oil and stir fried veggies (eggplant, snap peas, brusell sprouts, onions)

9:30 PM - Herbal Cleanse tablet + 1 cup of water

10:30 PM - snacked on a few cashews + cantaloupe

DAY 5 (Sept 2, 2013)

7:00 AM - Woke up and peed.  I did not take measurements this time, I will wait for the 11th and 24th day.

7:30 AM - Spark + 3 Catalyst (total of 2 cups of water)

8:00 AM - Breakfast - 1 slice of cantaloupe + left over tofu

10:30 AM - 2 cups of water

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM - fat  burning cardi with Shaun T (HipHop Abs) + 50 s+ 10 kneeling push ups

12:30 PM - 2 Omegaplex + Lunch -salad (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, flax seed, 1 hard boiled egg   in lemon vinaigrette ) + 2 cups of water

3:30 PM - Spark + 3 Catalyst

5:00 PM - 2 cups of water

7:00 PM - 2 Omegaplex + Dinner:  2 oz of beef  hamburger (73% lean cheat day!) + 1/4 cup of baby bella mushrooms sauteed in olive oil and leftover stir fried veggies + 1 small teaspoon of cheesecake.  RED ALERT:  It's Joey's 17th birthday pre-celebration so I have to taste the food that I made lol  

9:30 PM - ate a bowl of watermelon ( so good!) and 7 pieces of cashew + 1 cup1 of water

10:30 PM - Herbal Cleanse tablet + 1 cup of water

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