
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

19 weeks & counting

Today I am officially 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant!  In 5 days I will be halfway through my pregnancy, ha!  The funny thing is we only learned we are pregnant 3 weeks ago. :)

Let's see, not a whole lot happened over the last few days except that my appetite has been kicking in.  I am trying my best not to eat everything I want and for a big fat knocked up lady, that's the most difficult feat!   I try to drown myself with 12 glasses of liquid a day to keep my increasing appetite from overtaking my disciple.  I am just very happy though that I do not eat as much rice and bread anymore than I do when I was back in Manila.

Then again, my appetite is not my biggest problem right now.  I am still overly constipated.  There are a lot of days when i would feel that I need to go, then I'd be sitting on Ryan's throne (that's what we call our john) for almost half an hour, with nothing.  But I know something is hanging in there!  I consulted Dr. McAmis today about it and he said I could take up to 2-3 Colace or stool softener capsules a day.  I already took two today and Ryan bought me some more prune juice to help with my bowel movement.  Seriously, this is the only time that I would love to fart my heart out. (who doesn't actually? haha).

Well other than that, our boy is starting to move more inside.  Since i am only 4 and a half months, yous till cannot feel it from outside, but definitely feel awhole lot from the inside of my belly.  It is right what they say that it feels like butterflies fluttering OR someone tickling you from the inside.  Ryan is so anxious to feel the movement but it would take another 2 months to feel it from outside my tummy.

Yesterday, my lower abdomen is cramping like I have a period and the sides of my legs are tired as hell too.  I learned from some of the literature that I have been reading that they are ligament pains and normally occurs on the 19th week of pregnancy.  According to what I read, as your uterus grows larger, the round ligaments that support it must stretch. Occasionally, these stretched-out ligaments will cause a sharp pain or a dull ache in your lower abdomen, usually on one side or the other. I mostly notice the discomfort when I change positions suddenly or get up from a chair or bed. It's discomforting and most of the time, the best way to just take the discomfort away is to lay still or get some rest.

Today, Ryan bought the first baby book for our little boy.  We both love to read and we would love for our baby to love books too.  Everytime we are in the store, over the last couple of weeks, we realize that very soon, we will be going to the aisle that we normally do not go to over the last several years - the infant section!  And even though I still have a good 20 weeks to go, I know that time will just fly so fast, the next thing you know, I'd be looking down my soaked feet while yelling "my water bag just broke!"

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