
Friday, May 27, 2011

day 2 @ UTMC - results of 24 hour monitoring

I could say today is a much better day.  Ryan and I did not get much sleep but felt much better just because we are getting all the information that we need to make informed decisions and understanding of what is going on.

Today we got the results of my 24 hour urine test and its not looking good.  I am at 1,800 protein level range and the minimum for pre-eclempsia is 300 only.  At that point I thought my OB is going to make the decision to have me have an early delivery.  My blood pressure has gone down to normal at 130/85 but my swelling is getting worse.  It's like a mild case of Edema now.

After getting these results I was given orders that I am to stay at the hospital until I deliver (GASP!!).  When is that?  No one knows.  Dr. H said that it is best for babies to be at least 34 weeks old to ensure full lung development.  So the goal is to keep me here in the hospital on close monitoring 24 hours of my pee, blood pressure, etc... and to keep me pregnant as long as they can without compromising mine and the baby's health.  At that point I was both disappointed (of course I wanna go home) and a bit relieved at the same time because I know that there is still a good chance that my baby can develop and grow more before delivery.  Apollo is only 32 weeks and 2 days as of today and if we can wait for another 2 weeks (OR MORE!) that would  be better.

So today Ryan did end up going home to pack a big suitcase of clothing and things for the both of us since we are pretty much gonna be living the hospital facility for who knows how long.  At this point, all I am thinking about is I would be a good patient and would not mind staying here as long as i can to make sure Apollo is developing and growing and I am still safe.

My stats today -

  • BP is running at 140/85
  • protein level in my urine at 1800
  • weight - did not get updated weight but my legs, thighs, hands and face have swollen twice its size (disgusting!)
  • Apollo - superb!  heartbeat per minute is at 135-140, fetal movement is good too!

Today I am still assigned Tyler as my nurse and as usual she is great!  Did I tell you she also has pre-eclempsia and delivered her baby boy Owen 10 months ago at only 30 weeks.  She is awesome and sweet and knows exactly what I am going through.  We spent some good time today talking about her experience and she reassured me that me and my baby are going to be fine because she was.  It as great to have a great nurse!

Oh and I also got a visit from Dad Mike, Mom Jan and Mom Bev today.  It's great to have them because it's like having my parents around.  :)

I am starting to like the hospital food here just because there are so many variety.  I know I will eat these words back next week coz I will eventually get sick and tired of the menu haha.  Today I had the parmesan crusted tilapia with rice and veggies.  It's pretty good!

Today I also got alot of supportive words, prayers and messages from our families and friends and it means alot to us.  I know everything is going to work out and I trust all  my doctors to take care of me and my little Apollo.

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