
Friday, May 27, 2011

day 3 @ UTMC - our new temporary home

Day three I am starting to get more used to being cooped up here at the hospital room. Ryan has to go back to work today (yeah theres a little one who is about to pop out soon so one of us has to work haha) so I am alone here at the room with the nurses to keep me company.  Thank god for WIFI and cable TV.  the first three days are not too bad, but i know here pretty soon I am going to go insane haha.

OK so the biggest thing today is I am having shortness of breathe since last night.  It happens everytime I stand up for a long time or I am talking too much.  I reported it to the nurse and within an hour, I've got three doctors hovering over me in the morning because accordingly it's not a good sign.  They said that they don't want any shortness of breathe because that could be a sign of water developing around my lungs.  And of course I do not want that coz it could lead to complications.  I was a little scared because Dr. Fields said that if it does not improve, they really might need to have me deliver that day.  Dr. H on the other hand suggested that I might be having too much fluid because I was more swollen today than the previous day.  So he ordered for the IV fluid bag to be taken off me (yay!!) and I was hooked up to an Oxygen monitor which monitors the O2 level in my body.

I would say that over the last few hours its been a little easier to breathe.  I think its all the weight that I am carrying.

Anyhow, my blood pressure has not improved today.  I am back up to about 150/100 most of the day last night so I was given more blood pressure medication which significantly imrpoved my BP in the afternoon.  My glucose level is still good.  I am not peeing as much today just because I am off the IV fluid.  Apollo, on the other hand - STILL AWESOME!!! :)

Ryan got back from work around 4 or 5 in the afternoon and I got the best gift from my Doctor today.  I got three (3) wheelchair rights a day!  Yes!  I know its not much but I will be able to roam around the hospital, eat at the cafeteria, hang out at Starbucks and visit the gift shop and the courtyard with my lovey dovey! :)  Which is exactly what we did after Ryan gave me my shower. :)

He took me to Starbucks and I got some iced white chocolate mocha (decaf!) and he got himself his usual venti coffee of the day.  then we went out to the courtyard so I can get some sunshine (no more vitamin D coz it's already past 7 when we went out) and fresh air.   It maybe just a tiny thing but for me being able to get out of the confines of the four walls of my hospital room is a big thing.

I could never thank my husband enough for all that he has been doing the last 3 days.  I know he is very tired but he never complains.  He washes our clothes and takes care of all the things I need at the hospital.  He gives me a shower everyday because both my hands are indisposed. He prepares my meals and arranges the room because he knows I hate clutter haha.   I just hate the fact that he has to sleep on this crappy couch here in the hospital room and we missed sharing our bed.   Nevertheless he does not complain and is always by my side.  He is the best!

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