
Sunday, August 7, 2011

inside our little pigpen

It's unbelievable how time flew by and I did not even realized that I did not write anything in my blog site over the last two months!  i'm sure everyone will understand how busy it has been since our little Apollo joined us (a lot earlier than expected!). Th,ere has been a lot of exciting, crazy and emotional things that happened over the last 9 weeks so I have alot of catching up to do in order to update everyone.

For starters, I now have a 9 week old baby (his age should only be 3 weeks if born full term) who has been keeping me and Ryan in our toes 24/7. :)  I think the last photo of Apollo that I posted prior to this blog is when he was born so if you would scroll back to my last post and look at his birth photo, you would be surprised by how much he grew by this most recent photo (he is 8 and a half weeks old in this photo). There is so much to tell but I will save all the teeny tiniest details for another posts. 

Now that we have our little boy at home with us, it feels as if our lives started all over again.  Ryan, Joey and I have been a little family before but now it seems like a more exciting family now that Apollo is here.  Our needs, wants, desires,  likes, dislikes, priorities and dreams totally changed.

And I wanted to capture this new adventure now that we have a new hammy in our family.  So that is why I decided to update my blog site to invite everyone inside our little pigpen. Where we still remain to be a crazy family living in big twisted dreams! :)

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